Please Note: The Chipblitz $10 rate is not available to Breeders. Breeder/litter rate is $25 per animal.

South Australia
Total Chipped
with the Chipblitz program since November 2015

$10 Microchipping. Affordable for all South Australian's. Microchipping became mandatory in South Australia 1 July 2018.
It’s simple. Australians love pets.
In fact Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world with more than 63% of Australian households owning a pet.
There wouldn’t be many Australian’s that can’t remember their first pet and the memories that pet brings.
There is estimated to be 4.2million dogs in Australia, that’s 19 dogs for every 100 people. Cats come in second with an estimated 3.3million in Australia. That’s 15 cats for every 100 people! That’s a lot of cats and dogs!
The simple fact is a microchipped pet has a better chance of getting home quicker than one that isn’t. A pet that is able to be returned directly to their owner also decreases the enormous burden on our shelters holding lost pets and reduces the cost to local councils.